Today I woke up filled with such gratitude for having spent the week bearing witness to the deep transformational work that my students had the courage to pursue, and share, though your Personal Management Projects.
I was grateful that weeks earlier I decided to revise our class schedule, prompted by a pivotal moment in the Day Shift where they seized their power to change the conversation. The change made so much sense that I replicated the revision in the Night Shift as well.
That decision to pivot resulted in the divine timing of Personal Management Project week coinciding with the hardest week I have experienced in my Program Coordinator/full-time faculty role.
Why was the week so hard?
I allowed circumstances around me to get inside; I was struggling both personally and professionally.
Inspired by my students’ work, and as a result of conversations with the love of my life, my teammate, partner, and leader, I woke up with our newly minted phrase etching itself into the recesses of my mind:
You are either on purpose, or off target.
I will rise above any and all circumstances, determined to stay on purpose, undistracted by everything else that would try to come against me and steal the energy I need to do my best work.
And so, I ask you today, are you off target?
If you are, I have good news. Next week we begin the Collective Endeavor phase of our class. You trusted yourself, me, your teammates, and the psychologically safe space that we collectively created; your vulnerability gave permission for others to be vulnerable, which, according to the research of Brene Brown, is the birthplace of connection, creativity, and innovation. Together, on purpose, we will go deeper into building the culture necessary to create a magical space of possibility.
And then, I wholeheartedly believe that you will continue to grow as a brave leader of yourself, and others, long after our time together comes to an end. And, new cohorts of students will benefit from the foundation you develop through your Collective Endeavors.