As a trained Creative Problem Solving Facilitator, I can help you find clarity beyond the horizon
Exploring a vision can be very exciting, but you can easily get derailed and stuck. Sometimes we just can’t come up with enough ideas on how to make it work and other times we start looking too soon at why it can’t work. There are a myriad of other pitfalls we naturally march right into and set up camp there. Unfortunately climbing out of these holes can be mentally, emotionally and physically draining and we may decide the vision is too big for us to bring to life. And so we bury it and try to move on, but that rarely works. Usually we are suppressing it and this unrealized dream haunts us.
There is a better way. See my links below.
Find out more about Creative Problem Solving (CPS) and how it can help you get from Vision to Action Steps and at every point in between.
We can also explore the challenges you are facing in your family, life or work areas and work to find solutions.
Find out more about Creative Problem Solving Facilitation and how a facilitator can help you and your team get to the results you desire.
Groups of 5-9 are ideal and it can be for one client or the whole group can be part of decision making.
Facilitation requires more than just a trained facilitator. There are tools of the trade that enable me to cultivate the type of breakthrough thinking you need to find answers to ill-defined problems that do not have one right answer. Find out what’s in My Toolkit.
If you want to see more about my work visit My Portfolio. It has some examples of my creativity exploration and also photos from past events.
Click the link to get a copy of my Do-it-Yourself Creative Problem Solving Guide emailed to you.