This is a rough draft of some ideas that came to mind for Ignite. With further input from the team and community, a Phase One plan would be finalized and a cycle of execution and evaluation would ensue and spark improvements and new ideas.
PHASE ONE - Oct 2017 - December 2017
Get to know the Ignite and TRIP teams and gain a clearer understanding of the ideas that f...
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Author: nicolecolter
Teen LLC
Most of what is written below has not been updated since 2016 (except to add links to my more recent writings). The current vision for TeenLLC is being developed as Pick Yourself Project!
Teen LLC is an entrepreneurship education venture that will seek to answer “what might be all the ways to learn, grow and discover who we are while building a thriving self-sustaining learni...
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5 1/2 Mentors that will change your life

In what ways do you need to develop? Doug Stewart reveals the secret of personal development that helped him turn himself from a 1.4 GPA to a 3.4 GPA student. His conclusion "Mentorship isn’t something that is done to you. Mentorship is something you can do for yourself, with the help of others."
If you are interested in personal development and learning witho...
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My Philosophy on Mentoring
Mentoring is the proactive investment in another person that unlocks their potential. It is inherent in all healthy relationships as individuals seek to help each other learn, grow and navigate transition. From our first breath to our last, a person will likely encounter mentors from all walks of life; some they will even call mom, dad, aunt, uncl...
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Creativity Training

Empowering other people to use creativity tools in their own lives for themselves, their work, business, families or friends is so rewarding.
I offer Creativity Training that can help you clarify a vision, understand the root of a challenge and solve problems that may have felt overwhelming in the past.
Teaching adults is very different than teaching children and I'm glad...
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Pastor Jeff Sharp

We continually went around the same mountain that we had been around for years. We needed a different outlook that can only be seen from a differing point of view. Nicole Colter walked us through the process of realizing that that differing point of view was already in us and we didn’t need someone from outside the organization to give it to us. We just needed Nicole to creativ...
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Michelle Jacobik

Nicole’s passion for reaching farther than most can see and her natural way of leading and encouraging is truly a gift.
On July 7th 2015, I was invited to sit in on a group facilitation led by Nicole. Our session was 2 hours and she led a group of nine individuals from different age groups (ages 17-47) and social demographics, through a very thorough process of problem solvi...
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Christine Stedford

I’m so excited about what you’ve been teaching me about problem solving! After attending two of your large group sessions for our church, and one smaller session, I feel like I’ve learned so much. Being a worship leader and choir director, I lead about twenty-five people, and will be using your problem solving tools to assist in both groups. Plus I’m using it at home. I love ho...
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Grades are for Eggs, not Children

We are three-quarters of the way through the school year and the full spectrum of parental emotions is most definitely surging at this point. If you are about to launch your child into college and life, you are in the senior stretch - praying they don’t self-implode a few strides short of the finish line; you can’t quite breathe easy yet, can you?
If your child typically do...
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Sanity Saver # 2 – In and Out Notetaking

Ever heard of "in and out thinking?" Maybe not, but I can guarantee you have experienced it.
The American Psychological Association studied what people did during a seminar, speech or workshop. Their findings may be surprising to you. According to the research findings, at any given moment, here's what was on their minds:
18% are really listening to the presenter
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